The Cambridge AHRC DTP has established an AHRC colloquia fund for supporting student-led symposia
The AHRC DTP Steering Committee have agreed to make up to £20,000 available for student-led symposia held for 2020 calendar year.
The intention is to allow AHRC DTP doctoral students to set up and run conferences and symposia, gaining valuable transferable skills in the process. It is expected that successful bids will not be for more than £2,000 per conference.
Bids should be submitted by the lead AHRC funded doctoral student co-ordinating the conference. We expect at least three AHRC funded doctoral students (including the lead organiser) to take part in organising the event. Before submitting this form, please ensure you have discussed the proposal with your supervisor and that it has been approved by them and your academic Degree Committee Secretary.
All bids must be received by the EXTENDED DEADLINE: 31 December 2019.
Please complete and submit the below application form: