Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Training Partnerships
Cambridge AHRC DTP (entry cohorts 2014-2018)
The University of Cambridge has been home to an AHRC Doctoral Traning Partnership since 2014. Five cohorts of students have been recruited, with the final cohort commencing their studies in 2018/19.
The Cambridge AHRC DTP brings together outstanding UK and EU postgraduate students in a programme that meets and challenges the highest international standards with respect to its intellectual and academic excellence.
For further information on the DTP please visit the Cambridge AHRC DTP website.
Please note that the Cambridge AHRC DTP is no longer accepting application from prospective students: see information on the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP below.
The University of Cambridge is also a member of two AHRC Centres of Doctoral Training (CDT):
The Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies, led by University College London (UCL);
The AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Celtic Languages, led by the University of Glasgow.
Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP (entry cohorts: 2019-2023)
The Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP is a consortium of the three universities for doctoral training and funding in the Humanities. The DTP is underpinned by world-class research and training environments, supported by strategic partnerships with the BBC World Service, the National Trust and British Telecom. The Open-Oxford Cambridge DTP is national and international in mindset, and determined to take a leading role in shaping the future of doctoral training in the UK.
For further information on the OOC DTP, please visit the consortium website.
Information on how to apply for scholarships via the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership for entry in 2019/20 is available on